Magic Store Weekly Portugal

Featuring 1 Magic Store per week

Project Manager: Inês Aguiar Branco
Public: Yes

Project Description

The purpose of this Projetc is to compile information on all Advanced Magic Stores in Portugal and present one of them per week to the Community.

This project aims to bring together TOs, Judges and Players by making available all the infomation needed to anyone travelling in Portugal that has an interest in Magic.

Say you are travelling and happen to be far away from your local store but still wanna play/judge some magic, Magic Store Weekly will be your tool to find the closest store near you and also the one that allows you to play your favourite format.

We will be providing information on Location, Working hours, Formats available to play + schedule and much more.

Keep and eye open every week!

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Inês Aguiar Branco Uncertified Iberia Admin
Nuno Falcao e Cunha Level 2 (International Judge Program) Iberia Admin
Miguel Lajoso Uncertified Iberia Member
Ruben Martins Uncertified Iberia Member
Tiago Rôxo Aguiar Level 3 (International Judge Program) Iberia Member
David Silva Level 3 (International Judge Program) Iberia Member