Rules: the Questioning

A Magic game of Magic rules

Project Manager: Leonardo da Luz
Public: Yes
Alignment: Sphere Project - Learning
(Lead: Sophie Pages )
Looking For: Question Writters; New Ideas;

Project Description

What’s Rules: the Questioning all about?


That is simply a game of Magic, with the same turn structure, lands, mana, zones and everything else, but your spells aren’t the common ones you are used to. Those spells have been converted to rules scenarios of Magic like the ones we take on our exams or use to study. And that’s what this game is all about: a new way of learning and improve at our rules.


Each spell is a rules question, and it might be from IPG, MTR, CR or anything else that involves rulings. It is casted like a normal spell, by paying mana and everything else.


I decided to make this game to be played among the judge community, and I can see this being used to teach new judge candidates as well. Therefore, this will probably be a game for conferences, MagicFests or any place that could have a bigger number than 1-2 judges attending to play with it.


What do I need to make this happen?


Rules scenarios, like the ones you find on Knowledge Pool or the exams questions. The more we get, the better so I can sort out those questions in many different decks to play with. A deck will probably consist of 20 random lands and 40 other distinct rules spells (I need to test it, obviously). I might even add some game mechanics into it, it’s just a matter of testing.


Also, I need time and will probably need some feedback later on. When things get going, I will start searching for “alpha testers”.


How you can help


For now, send me scenarios so I can start making some cards to test it out. I made a Google Forms to receive the scenarios which you can access in the link below:


Don’t mind putting largely developed answers into those scenarios. I expect that the cards won’t have an answer printed on them at all and the players involved would need to search for the answer among themselves or in the documents.


All scenario cards will be credited to the scenario sender, but you can keep it anonymous if you want to.


Will it be distributed anywhere once it is done?


I’ll send the files containing images of the cards ready to be printed, cut and placed inside sleeves with Magic cards (the simplest way I’ve found to bring this to life) to whoever ask for it! I’ll definitely be posting new information later when it is almost done.

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Leonardo da Luz Level 3 (International Judge Program) Brazil Admin
Bruno Benatti Uncertified Brazil Member
Jimmy Luz Uncertified Brazil Member
Hugo Abraham Peña Ramírez Uncertified Latin America Member