Benelux Seminar Proofreaders

A pool of proofreaders for seminar feedback in the Benelux

Project Manager: Mark Dragstra
Public: Yes
Looking For: Proofreaders

Project Description

The goal of this project is to improve seminars within the Benelux. Not only by improving the content, but also by improving the presenters experience via more personal guidance.

To achieve this goal, this project aims to create a pool of proofreaders.
Proofreaders will be linked to (one or) two presenters to create triangles.
Every presenter will have two proofreaders and one seminar to proofread.

-This project is only to create a pool of proofreaders. Permission for any furter activity (being linked) will be asked first.
-A proofreader can be, if willing, in multiple triangels.
-A proofreader can also be a presenter in a different triangle.
-Presenters in a triangle will have chosen to be there.
-Triangles can make their own agreements and deadlines.

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Mark Dragstra Uncertified BeNeLux Admin
Jonas Drieghe Uncertified BeNeLux Admin
Alex de Bruijne Level 2 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Member
Arjen de Jong Level 1 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Member
Toby Hazes Uncertified BeNeLux Member
Sabrina Kool Uncertified BeNeLux Member
Harm Tacoma Uncertified BeNeLux Member
Michiel Van den Bussche Uncertified BeNeLux Member