The Good Job (GiJoe) Recognitions

A possibility to recognize exemplar behavior of other judges, to highlight them and make them replicable.

Project Manager: Aruna Prem Bianzino
Public: Yes

Project Description

Would you like to recognize someone which has contributed to make our community a better place? We would like you to be able to do that! The more people know about good behaviors, the more these behaviors may be of examples and easily replicated by others. This is why we decided to organize the Good Job (GiJoe) Recognition project

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Aruna Prem Bianzino Level 5 (International Judge Program) Iberia Admin
Kepa Arrieta Level 3 (International Judge Program) Iberia Member
Nuno Falcao e Cunha Level 2 (International Judge Program) Iberia Member
José ignacio Pérez Janeiro Level 3 (International Judge Program) Iberia Member
Jorge Requesens Level 3 (International Judge Program) Iberia Member
Diogo Santos Level 1 (International Judge Program) Iberia Member