Region - USA - Southeast

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Region Name: USA - Southeast
Regional Advocate: Marcos Sanchez
Countries: Puerto Rico
States / Provinces: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina
Judges by Level
Level 1 Judges: 46
Level 2 Judges: 27
Level 3 Judges: 1
Level 5 Judges: 2
Judges by Role
Regional Representative: 1


This is a Judge Foundry region. Please see their page on Regions and Regional Leadership for more information on their program.

Regional Advocates in Judge Foundry are members with L2+ Judge or selected Operations Certifications. They are selected by the members of their region using Instant Runoff Voting for one year terms. They serve as representatives of their community, adving the Board of Directors on matters related to their region, managing certain maintenance processes, and assisting in various other areas.

Judge Foundry members can connect with other judges in their region through the Judge Foundry Forums on JudgeApps.


Recent Advancements

Judge New Level Date Certified By
Caelan Williams Masters 1 March 22, 2025, 3:13 p.m. Mitchell Wetherson
Kyle Smith 1 Feb. 13, 2025, 2:22 p.m. Chris Deckard

Regional Projects Looking for Help

Project Description Project Manager Looking For Public Forum
SE Regional Monthly Judge Chat A monthly voice chat on various topics and as a place to address the region. Steven Romero People who would like to talk on topics, Discord programmers, Creative people who have ideas for this chat, etc. Yes

Other Regional Projects

Project Description Project Manager Public Forum
SouthEast: On Camera Bringing the teachings and other musings from our corner of the world David Homan Yes