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Rules Q&A » Post: Dragons of Tarkir FAQ/Release Notes

Dragons of Tarkir FAQ/Release Notes

March 17, 2015 04:59:02 PM

Roger Dunn
Judge (Level 1 (Judge Academy))

USA - Pacific Northwest

Dragons of Tarkir FAQ/Release Notes

With every set, I look forward to reading the set's FAQ or Release Notes. Before Fate Reforged's Prerelease, I checked the forums and articles every day, all that week. I only found the FAQ the week after the Prerelease was over. It looks like the Release Notes got put in the Rules Q&A forum instead of the FAQs and Reference forum. And I never did see the article version of it, with the card images and formatted HTML. Searching the Wizards site has been unfruitful in that regard.

Will someone post a URL as a reply to this post f they you find the FAQ or Release Notes article go up for Dragons of Tarkir? I don't want to miss it this time. Thank you.

March 18, 2015 02:24:59 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest