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The Training Grounds: L3 Study Group returns (in a new format)

July 27, 2015 02:21:44 PM

Bryan Spellman
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southwest

The Training Grounds: L3 Study Group returns (in a new format)

Attention Level 2s who are interested in Level 3!

We are pleased to launch the Training Grounds! The Training Grounds is essentially a study group for L3 candidates, focusing on the Qualities of Regional Judges. The goal of the Training Grounds is to prepare L2s taking their last few steps towards L3, as well as collaboratively produce articles and videos to help aspiring L3s in the future.

The Training Grounds will consist of five Blocks, each of which will cover a group of related L3 Qualities. You can participate in as many or few blocks as you wish. Each Block will have a separate application process.

Our first block is about Development of Other Judges and Self-Evaluation. Read more about it on the event application page. You have less than two weeks to finish your self review draft! =)

Please let us know if you have any questions!

– Bryan Spellman & Paul Baranay

Aug. 14, 2015 02:39:26 PM

Paul Baranay
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Northeast

The Training Grounds: L3 Study Group returns (in a new format)

Today is the last day to apply for our first Block of the Training Grounds! If you're interested in deepening your understanding of Self-Assessment and Development of Other Judges, we hope you will join us!

Even if you're not interested in the Training Grounds, we hope you will follow along on our new blog! This is one of the places where we'll post the articles and other content generated by the Training Grounds groups.
