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Question for Anafenza, the Foremost and Kalitas, Trator of Ghet.

Feb. 2, 2016 10:53:25 PM

Jungmin Park
Judge (Level 1 (International Judge Program))


Question for Anafenza, the Foremost and Kalitas, Trator of Ghet.

Hello, everyone.

I was questined about anafenza, the foremost(anafenza) and Kalitas, trator of ghet(kalitas) from LGS messenger room.

1. AP has anafenza and kalitas. Anafenza is cast on turn 3, Kalitas is cast on turn 4.
NAP has Nantuko husk.
In turn 5, AP cast grasp of darkness(target creature -4/-4) to nantuko husk and resolved.
In this case, Does AP take zombie token or not?

2. AP attacks NAP with Nantuko husk, NAP casts Rally the ancestors, x=5(Anafenza and Kalitas in the NAP's graveyard). And Nantuko husk is blocked by Anafenza. In this case, Does NAP take zombie token or not?

I can't find exactly rule in CR. Hence, I can't explain both questions.
So, Could you explain that situations' ruling?

Thank you.

P.S : case of 1, I didn't have chance to select anafenza or kalitas's replacement effect and didn't take zombie token in MTGO.

Edited Jungmin Park (Feb. 3, 2016 09:50:11 AM)

Feb. 3, 2016 12:10:03 PM

Callum Milne
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Question for Anafenza, the Foremost and Kalitas, Trator of Ghet.

Both Anafenza, the Foremost and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet have replacement effects that are trying to replace the same event: one of your opponent's creatures dying. If two or more replacement effects are trying to replace the same event, the player who controls the permanent that is affected by the event being replaced chooses which of them is applied. (The other effect is only applied if it's still relevant after the chosen effect has been applied.)

This means that in your scenario, the non-active player gets to choose which effect is responsible for exiling their creature: Anafenza's ability or Kalitas's ability. Whichever one they apply, the other effect will no longer be relevant, since a creature will no longer be dying.

End result: the active player only gets a Zombie if the nonactive player deliberately chooses to give them one by applying Kalitas first, which is probably never going to happen–the nonactive player is almost certainly going to apply Anafenza first to avoid giving their opponent a free creature.

Edited Callum Milne (Feb. 3, 2016 12:10:48 PM)

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