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Rules Q&A » Post: Exploit abilities.

Exploit abilities.

May 31, 2016 04:14:25 PM

Hank Wiest
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

Exploit abilities.

Some players at my LGS came to me with this situation. Anson casts and resolves a Profaner of the Dead, and places the exploit ability on the stack. In response, Noah casts Ultimate Price, targeting Profaner of the Dead. Anson responds by activating Eldrazi Displacer's ability, targeting Profaner of the Dead. Neither player takes further action at this point. What happens when the stack begins to resolve?

My inclination is that the second Exploit ability will bounce a creature if a creature is sacrificed, but not the first one, since the Profaner that created it is not the same object currently on the battlefield. Is this correct?

Edit: sorry for wrong forum. My bad.

Edited Hank Wiest (May 31, 2016 05:02:10 PM)

May 31, 2016 04:18:22 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Exploit abilities.

Yes, that is correct. When the Displacer's ability resolves, the Profaner is exiled and returned to the battlefield. Since it entered the battlefield, its exploit ability will trigger and go on the stack. If you sacrifice a creature to that exploit trigger, the second ability of the Profaner will trigger and will bounce creatures. Later, the original Profaner ability will trigger, but even if you sacrifice a creature to it, since the Profaner that's on the battlefield now is not the same one that the trigger is from, the second ability will not trigger and nothing will be bounced.

May 31, 2016 04:23:55 PM

Dustin De Leeuw
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program)), Tournament Organizer


Exploit abilities.

Please, don't post rules questions in the Regular REL forum, we have other places for that, like the Rules Q&A or the judge chat. This forum is for situations at Regular REL, for example handling problems using the JAR. Thanks!

May 31, 2016 04:25:46 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Exploit abilities.

Moved to Rules Q&A, edited to include card links, and locked.