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Rules Q&A » Post: Thalia's Lancers and Westvale Abbey

Thalia's Lancers and Westvale Abbey

Aug. 26, 2016 07:51:25 PM

Matthew Stafford
Judge (Level 1 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific West

Thalia's Lancers and Westvale Abbey

A player of mine has recently asked me to double check a ruling I made:
He had asked if Thalia's Lancers could fetch Westvale Abbey since it's backside is Legendary. I ruled that no he could not based on 711.4a While a double-faced card is outside the game, in a zone other than the battlefield, or on the battlefield with its front face up, it has only the characteristics of its front face. The plkayer at another event had a higher level judge tell him that he could in fact fetch the Abbey with the Lancers.
I want to double check for his sake and my own which ruling is correct.

Aug. 28, 2016 01:33:28 AM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Thalia's Lancers and Westvale Abbey


Unless the double faced cards is on the battlefield and transformed, you ignore the back side of the card. The Abbey is just a land: the back side is a legendary creature, but we ignore the back side since it's not on the battlefield and transformed. Since the Abbey is not a legendary card, you cannot find it with the Lancer's triggered ability.

Nathan Long
Magic Rules NetRep