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Rules Q&A » Post: AEther Vial destroyed before resolution of activated ability

AEther Vial destroyed before resolution of activated ability

Sept. 19, 2016 06:41:27 PM

Kenny Dolson
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

Canada - Eastern Provinces

AEther Vial destroyed before resolution of activated ability

Ajani controls AEther Vial, which has 2 charge counters on it, and its activated ability is activated. With the ability on the stack, Nissa casts Ancient Grudge targeting the Vial. When the Vial activation resolves, per 112.7a, the game uses the last known information of the Vial to allow Ajani to put a creature with a CMC of 2 onto the battlefield, correct? Hoping to clear up a dispute with a friend.

Sept. 23, 2016 09:46:18 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

AEther Vial destroyed before resolution of activated ability


If the Vial is not on the battlefield when the activated ability resolves, we use the last known information about the Vial to determine how many counters it had on it. In your case, when the Vial was last on the battlefield, it had two charge counters on it, so you'll be able to put a creature card with a converted mana cost of two on the battlefield, even though it was destroyed in response to the ability.

Nathan Long
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