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Rules Q&A » Post: End of the round + determine a winner + top cards of library + top

End of the round + determine a winner + top cards of library + top

Dec. 8, 2016 02:58:50 AM

Laurent Ferrandon
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper


End of the round + determine a winner + top cards of library + top

Hello everyone,

The situation is as follow :

It is time in the round and the 5th turn of the additional turns. Both players are tied (1-1), empty handed and are at 1 life. The active player is player A and player B has a Sensei's Divining Top in play and mana to activate it to look at the next 3 cards.

I know that players can reveal known information (their hands) to determine a winner but reveal the top card of the library is forbidden. But in this case, player B can look at the next 3 cards.

So my question is : Is he allowed to reveal the next 3 cards to his opponent ?

Thanks in advance for your help !

Edited Laurent Ferrandon (Dec. 8, 2016 02:59:12 AM)

Dec. 8, 2016 08:56:51 AM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

End of the round + determine a winner + top cards of library + top

While resolving the Divining Top's ability, he has access to those three cards and may reveal them.

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