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Rules Q&A » Post: Gaining and losing control and "Whenever a(nother) creature dies"

Gaining and losing control and "Whenever a(nother) creature dies"

Feb. 26, 2017 10:45:04 AM

Mario Haßler
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

Gaining and losing control and "Whenever a(nother) creature dies"

There are several cards that let me gain control of a creature “for as long as” I control the first card or that card remains on the battlefield (e. g. Cytoplast Manipulator, Dragonlord Silumgar, Merieke Ri Berit, Olivia Voldaren, Roil Elemental, Rubinia Soulsinger, Seasinger, Sower of Temptation or Willbreaker).

After I have gained control of an opponent's creature which has an ability “Whenever a(nother) creature dies” (e. g. Deathgreeter, Murder of Crows, Rage Thrower or Reaper of the Wilds), my opponent destroys my creature (e. g. with Murder).

This will let my opponent regain control of his creature as well as trigger the ability of that creature.

The obvious question is: Who is the controller of that triggered ability, i. e. who gets to choose the targets, gain life, scry, draw/discard cards etc.?

It is clear that my opponent is already the controller of his creature again when the ability is put on the stack. But according to CR 112.8 the controller of a triggered ability “is the player who controlled the ability's source when it triggered”. And I wonder whether the control-changing effect has already ended at that time.

(My guess: Because it's a zone-change trigger, the game looks at the moment immediately before the event, when I was still the controller of my opponent's creature, and so I would be the controller of the triggered ability on the stack.)

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Mario Hassler

March 3, 2017 11:42:58 PM

Callum Milne
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Gaining and losing control and "Whenever a(nother) creature dies"

You've come to the correct conclusion; because you controlled the creature in the moment before the event that triggered the ability, you will control the trigger.

It should be noted, however, that this happens because the trigger is specifically a leaves-the-battlefield trigger, not because it's a zone-change trigger. Not all zone-change triggers “look back in time” as laid out in CR603.10. For example, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn has a zone-change trigger (its graveyard-shuffling ability), but that ability doesn't look back in time, because it's not a leaves-the-battlefield trigger, nor otherwise covered under CR603.10.
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