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The Panda Project: Interview with L2 Eliana Rabinowitz on Microaggressions

April 1, 2017 08:52:37 PM

Loïc Hervier
Judge (Level 1 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

The Panda Project: Interview with L2 Eliana Rabinowitz on Microaggressions

Why has Vincent Dedoyard's disagreement post disappeared? If an administrator removed it, which rules of the forum protocol had it violated?

April 1, 2017 10:31:13 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Northwest

The Panda Project: Interview with L2 Eliana Rabinowitz on Microaggressions

First, the forum protocol isn't the only set of standards by which we must conduct ourselves here; common decency must also apply.

Having said that, the protocol does address the removed post:
It’s OK to disagree, but do so with respect.

Further, the post did not enhance the discussion in any fashion - another point in the protocol.

Simply put, Vincent's post boils down to “I disagree with your flaky ideas”. I feel that was highly inappropriate for any thread, and especially this topic.

Let's be civil, please.


April 3, 2017 04:15:59 AM

Hannah Lissaman
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

The Panda Project: Interview with L2 Eliana Rabinowitz on Microaggressions

Originally posted by Mark Mason:

I did a talk at the SE Regional Conference last year on Conflict De-Escalation and Inclusive Langue Strategies. IF the video goes up, I'll be sure to share it with you. I hope to do an enhanced version and will make my own recording. There are a number of scrips or comments (such as the very one given by Martha Lufkin above) that can aid any Judge in taking these matters seriously and as another aspect of education for our community.

If the video becomes available it would awesome if you could share - I would love to share similar thoughts with my local judges at a future conference, so hearing your ideas on the topic would be very helpful.

April 3, 2017 10:55:47 AM

Marc DeArmond
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

USA - Northwest

The Panda Project: Interview with L2 Eliana Rabinowitz on Microaggressions

Originally posted by Laurent Eriksen:

“If you notice anyone (player or judge) saying something that might make others feel uncomfortable, definitely say something to them,”

I can definitely see where this advice is coming from and absolutely agree with the idea behind it: everyone should feel welcome and judges should do their best to create such a welcoming environment. Having said this I don't agree with the advice given. The problem with it is that the set of actions which might make someone uncomfortable is just too large.

The best way I've seen this phrased is to swap Uncomfortable with Unwelcome. I've had numerous conversations about the difficulty with the term uncomfortable and how it just isn't specific enough. Unwelcome is the intended meaning in this case. I'm uncomfortable with things at Magic events all the time, but that is about me. However, being Unwelcoming is about us all.

“If you notice anyone (player or judge) saying something that might make others feel unwelcome, definitely say something to them,”