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New Split Card Rules in Effect?

April 15, 2017 01:14:18 AM

Blake Andersen
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific Northwest

New Split Card Rules in Effect?

I am about to judge a local legacy event, and I realized that the new split card rules may effect a player if they're bringing miracles and have Top with Wear/Tear in their 75.

Have these new rules taken effect yet? Or do they come in when the new set is released?

April 18, 2017 04:34:12 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

New Split Card Rules in Effect?


With the exception of the prerelease, any rules changes won't take effect until Amonkhet's release on April 28th. So unless you're playing in a prerelease event for Amonkhet this weekend, the split card rules change won't go into effect until the 28th.

Nathan Long
Magic Rules NetRep