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Combat shortcut

May 10, 2017 03:39:12 PM

Gediminas Usevičius
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Europe - North

Combat shortcut

Currently, there have been quite few questions about new combat shortcut. However, I haven't seen this one and it has been bothering me for quite some time.
If the active player passes priority during their first main phase, the non-active player is assumed to
be acting in beginning of combat. However, if the non-active player takes no action, the active player has priority at the
beginning of combat.

Does NAP gets priority after AP passes, after NAP passed?
Example: AP asks if he can go to combat, NAP, by the new shortcut, is acting in Beginning of Combat, passes. Now AP has priority at the beginning of combat and if he passes priority again, does NAP gets priority at beginning of combat again?
If yes, NAP can pass priority twice at the same step without no one taking any actions.
If no, AP gets a huge advantage, because if NAP can't respond to AP's „inactivity“.

Thanks in advance

May 11, 2017 05:20:42 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Combat shortcut

While I'm not really sure I understand the concern that led to this question, I'll offer this answer.

Yes, NAP gets priority again, whenever AP passes priority - that hasn't changed.

What also hasn't changed, is how most players will continue to handle the combat phase. You'll see a lot of players who just turn dudes sideways while saying “attack!” - technically, that's multiple shortcuts, and NAP still has the opportunity to interrupt the shortcut into Combat, as well as the shortcut in Combat to the Declare Attackers Step. NAP may, with clear communication, interrupt in the first Main Phase, in the Beginning of Combat, or not at all.

There's really two significant changes, and (I think) almost everything else is a product of over-thinking it.
1) AP can now crew Vehicles, or animate “man-lands”, after using the “Combat?” shortcut;
2) NAP can, by default, act in the first Main Phase if their actions prevent a Beginning of Combat trigger (e.g., Goblin Rabblemaster).
