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Rules Q&A » Post: Spy Kit + Eradicate

Spy Kit + Eradicate

July 31, 2017 05:26:11 PM

Mario Haßler
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

Spy Kit + Eradicate


If I cast Eradicate on my opponent's creature that has been equipped with Spy Kit, will I get to exile all of his non-legendary creature cards from the mentioned zones? I thought that “with the same name as ~” is not as “that share a name with ~”, so it shouldn't work, because no other creature has all names. But there are lots of postings out there claiming that it does work. Could you please clarify this? Thank you!

Kind regards,

Mario Hassler

PS: I understand that it works the other way round, so e. g. the equipped creature will get the +2/+2 from an Echoing Courage cast on another non-token, non-legendary creature, because it has that name (it also has a lot of other names, but that doesn't matter).

Aug. 23, 2017 02:37:59 PM

Callum Milne
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Spy Kit + Eradicate

Eradicate on a creature equipped with Spy Kit will indeed exile all non-legendary creature cards from the stated zones.

“With the same name as” means the same thing as “that shares a name with”–the distinction between the two is purely grammatical. The “with the same” wording is used for comparisons where each card is (usually) expected to only have one such value to be compared, such as name, controller, converted mana cost, and so on, while the “shares” wording is used for comparisons where it's expected that cards may have multiple such values to be compared, such as color or creature type.