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Rules Q&A » Post: Mox Amber exact wording

Mox Amber exact wording

May 10, 2018 09:23:18 AM

Francesco Scialpi
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

Mox Amber exact wording


with reference to Mox Amber, my understanding is that “The word ”legendary“ in ”legendary creatures and planeswalkers“ refers to both creatures and planeswalkers”", as reported here:

So should a player somehow control, say, a white non-legendary planeswalker, they couldn't get white mana from Mox Amber.

However, the card is worded differently in Italian, i.e. “Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore tra quelli dei planeswalker e delle creature leggendarie che controlli.”, and seems referring explicitly to “planeswalkers and legendary creatures”.

Which version is correct?

May 10, 2018 12:15:28 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Mox Amber exact wording


The English Oracle text is correct. You either need to control a legendary planeswalker or a legendary creature for the Mox to count it. It will not count a nonlegendary planeswalker (like a token planeswalker made by Jace, Cunning Castaway). It's a known issue in a few languages and will be look at to be clarified in the future.

Nathan Long