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Rules Q&A » Post: Lantern of Insight vs Sleight of Hand

Lantern of Insight vs Sleight of Hand

June 25, 2018 04:13:10 PM

Toby Hazes
Judge (Uncertified)


Lantern of Insight vs Sleight of Hand

NAP controls Lantern of Insight. AP has an Island on top and casts Sleight of Hand. Does NAP know where the Island goes to?

June 25, 2018 08:00:37 PM

Callum Milne
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Lantern of Insight vs Sleight of Hand

Lantern of Insight doesn't change anything about how Sleight of Hand works–NAP is not entitled to know which of the two cards AP puts into their hand, regardless of whether or not the top card of the library happens to be revealed at the time.

In paper play, the NAP may be able to figure out which card was picked by tracking the physical motion of the cards as AP performs the actions Sleight of Hand calls for, but that's on them to pick up on–it's not information the game provides.