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Events and replacement effects

June 25, 2018 10:13:17 PM

Mario Haßler
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

Events and replacement effects


CR 700.1. describes the concept of “events”. Replacement effects can change the outcome of events.

The situation: I control two Bramblewood Paragons and a Primal Vigor. I cast a Warrior creature spell which resolves. The starting event is “Put (a Warrior creature) onto the battlefield”, and there are three replacement effects involved, two of them applicable to the event itself, and the third applicable after applying at least one of the other replacement effects. According to CR 616.1, I choose one replacement effect, apply it, then check for applicable replacement effects, choose one, apply it, and so on, until there's nothing left to apply. No replacement effect is applied more than once to an event.

Question 1: Is it possible to apply one Bramblewood Paragon, then Primal Vigor, and then the other Bramblewood Paragon?

Question 2: If so, will the doubling (A) be calculated at the moment the replacement effect is applied (one counter times two plus one counter = three counters), or (B) is it applied as an algorithm (two times the number of counters, applied to one counter plus one counter = four counters)?

Question 3: Is the result (A) one event “Put (a Warrior creature) with (a number of) +1/+1 counters onto the battlefield”, or (B) two events, “Put (a Warrior creature) onto the battlefield” and “Put (a number of) +1/+1 counters onto that creature”, happening at the same time?

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Mario Hassler

June 26, 2018 06:12:04 AM

Callum Milne
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Events and replacement effects

Once the first Bramblewood Paragon has been applied and both of the remaining effects are applicable, the player may choose to apply whichever one they prefer, and then the remaining one will be applied afterwards. If they want to apply the effects in that order, they can do so.

For your second question, the number of counters the creature will be entering the battlefield with is recalculated every time an effect is applied. Applying the effects in the order Paragon -> Vigor -> Paragon, it goes from being:

(Creature will enter with no counters) -> (Creature will enter with one +1/+1 counter) -> (Creature will enter with two +1/+1 counters) -> (Creature will enter with three +1/+1 counters)

So it's not likely that players will choose to order these replacements in this manner, because it will result in fewer counters, but it is a possible option.

Your third question, however, is meaningless. What is and is not “the same event” is not defined in the abstract, only in the context of what specific abilities are looking for.

For example, if you attacked with two Warriors and they dealt combat damage to your opponent, Raiders' Spoils would see that as two separate events. (And will therefore trigger twice.) But Pyrewild Shaman would only see it as one. (And only trigger once.) Neither of them is wrong, because there's no inherent property of the creatures dealing damage that defines how many events it “actually is”–there is only how many events a particular ability sees in it.

EDIT: Corekt speeling is importnat.

Edited Callum Milne (June 27, 2018 05:47:16 AM)