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Rules Q&A » Post: Theater of Horrors stolen with Eyes Everywhere

Theater of Horrors stolen with Eyes Everywhere

Feb. 7, 2019 06:51:39 PM

Anthony Morlock
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

USA - Pacific Northwest

Theater of Horrors stolen with Eyes Everywhere

Last week at FNM, I had a ruling question about whether A could cast N's cards which were exiled under N's Theater of Horrors. A had exchanged control with his Eyes Everywhere, and N had lost life that turn. I ruled it that A could cast N's exiled cards, but I didn't have substantial rules backing that call. Was I correct? Why or why not?

Feb. 9, 2019 08:37:45 PM

Callum Milne
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Theater of Horrors stolen with Eyes Everywhere

You were indeed correct. It's presumably A's turn, A controls Theater of Horrors, and one of A's opponents has lost life this turn, so A can play cards exiled with Theater of Horrors, just as the card says. If the Theater was supposed to be limited to only allow playing cards exiled with it that you own, it would have to say that. It doesn't, so its effect carries no such limitation.

There isn't a particular rules backing for this, because it's simply a matter of the card doing exactly what it says it does. In general, cards do (and do only) what they say they do, even if that's not always what would be most convenient for the player who put them in their deck.

Edited Callum Milne (Feb. 9, 2019 08:38:27 PM)