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Magic Fests 2019 Travel Guides

Feb. 17, 2019 12:43:12 PM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

Magic Fests 2019 Travel Guides


Welcome to CALGARY, in Alberta, Canada. The canadian city, famous because of the Winter Olympic Games in 1988, is an example of modernism and a place for high quality life. Being the third larger city from Canada, Calgary hosts a lot of festivals and has several museums that you would be glad to visit. But the best thing that Calgary can offer to you is the kindness of its people. Thanks to Abeed Bendall, you can enjoy this nice travel guide. Enjoy!

City: Calgary
Authors: Abeed Bendall
Link: MF Calgary 2019 Travel Guide

This guide is of public usage, please feel free to share it with your community.

Feb. 17, 2019 02:20:38 PM

Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

Magic Fests 2019 Travel Guides


This year, Magic go back to BILBAO, a very nice city in the north coast of Spain. Well known for being a welcoming city with gastronomy as one of its exponent. If you want to mix Magic with a awesome experience trying “txikiteo*” and enjoying pintxos and txacoli. You can also visit the Guggenheim Museum or getting lost in the old city alleys. Thanks to Maxim and Iñigo for updating the last version of this guide.

City: Bilbao
Authors: Maxim Antipov, Ferrán Jovel, Elsa Gara Maqueda and Iñigo Tostón
Link: MF Bilbao 2019 Travel Guide

This guide is of public usage, please feel free to share it with your community.

* Txikiteo: going with friends to several bars drinking wine, like txakoli (white wine), and eating pintxos for lunch or dinner.

Edited Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez (Feb. 17, 2019 02:21:16 PM)