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Rules Q&A » Post: Mulligan in THG

Mulligan in THG

June 27, 2020 11:44:39 AM

Matthias Hauser
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

German-speaking countries

Mulligan in THG

Quick question about the mulligan rule in THG

On the official webside it is stated

“The first mulligan is to seven cards, then each mulligan afterward results in one fewer card (six, five, four etc.).”


This is the old “Paris” mulligan with the first mulligan being free.

Is this still correct?

June 27, 2020 05:49:31 PM

Paul Baranay
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Northeast

Mulligan in THG

Hi Matthias,

Two-Headed Giant uses the default (London) mulligan rule, with the modification that your first mulligan is “free” and does not result in having to put any cards onto the bottom of your library.

I would note that the page you quoted largely skips over the details of the mulligan process – it simply says that mulligans beyond the first “result” in fewer cards, which is an accurate phrasing under both the Paris and the London rules.

If you'd like to flag the issue for Wizards webmasters to look at, I would suggest using this form:
