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Azorius Charm + Scry + Non-Public Information?

Nov. 23, 2013 10:53:45 PM

Jack Hesse
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

USA - Great Lakes

Azorius Charm + Scry + Non-Public Information?

Question came up at FNM (Standard format).

Anthony attacks with a Yoked Ox, and Nathan Azorius Charms it back to the top of his library. Anthony passes turn. Nathan takes his turn, then passes. During Nathan's end step, Anthony Magma Jets Nathan for 2 to the dome, then resolves the scry 2 by putting one card on top and one card on the bottom. Nathan asks if he is entitled to know whether or not the Yoked Ox was the card that got scry'd to the bottom or not.

I ruled that since the library is a non-public zone, it's not information that Nathan is entitled to. But it got me thinking, and subsequently digging into the CR. I couldn't really find much. The closest thing I found was rule 401.4:

401.4. If an effect puts two or more cards on the top or bottom of a library at the same time, the owner of those cards may arrange them in any order. That library’s owner doesn’t reveal the order in which the cards go into his or her library.

However, the cards aren't going into the library, they're just changing position. Rule 400.5 states:

400.5. The order of objects in a library, in a graveyard, or on the stack can’t be changed except when effects or rules allow it.

So, does Anthony need to keep it clear which card is the top card, and which is second from top (though of course the faces of the two of them remain hidden)? Therefore, it should be obvious whether or not the first or second card was the one put on the bottom? Halp?


Nov. 25, 2013 05:00:48 PM

Daniel Kitachewsky
Judge (Uncertified)


Azorius Charm + Scry + Non-Public Information?

The order is not revealed to the opponent.

The first rule you cite covers all cases. The number of cards put on top and on bottom is public knowledge (since everyone card track where the physical cards go) but which card goes where is entirely up to the owner of those cards (tracking the identity of cards purely through their backs is not really possible, so we don't enforce it ).

Daniel Kitachewsky
L3, Paris, France
Rules NetRep