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Rules Q&A » Post: Meandering Towershell + Kheru Lich Lord

Meandering Towershell + Kheru Lich Lord

Sept. 17, 2014 01:02:26 AM

Johannes Wagner
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

Meandering Towershell + Kheru Lich Lord

In my Upkeep I reanimate Meandering Towershell with the Kheru Lich Lord.
In my Declare Attacker Step of that turn I attack with the turtle, putting the Exile-Trigger on the Stack.
In Response to the trigger my opponent destroys the turtle(he doens't like turtles as it looks like).
The turtle gets exiled from the effect of the Lich Lord.

Now my question: Does the Exile on Attack-Trigger still resolve normally so that it returns on the next turn?

Edit: After thinking some more minutes about it, it shouldn't work because there is no link to the removed turtle with the trigger.

Edited Johannes Wagner (Sept. 17, 2014 01:10:53 AM)

Sept. 18, 2014 02:57:11 AM

Daniel Kitachewsky
Judge (Uncertified)


Meandering Towershell + Kheru Lich Lord

The Towershell will remain in exile permanently.

Kheru Lich Lord's ability isn't relevant here. The fact that the Towershell ended up in the exile zone doesn't matter, because it wasn't the attack trigger that put it there. On your next turn, the delayed trigger attempts to return whatever the original ability exiled, but that ability didn't exile anything, so nothing comes back.

Daniel Kitachewsky
L4, Paris, France
Rules NetRep