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Rules Q&A » Post: Is Phyrexian Unlife considered a replacement effect?

Is Phyrexian Unlife considered a replacement effect?

Nov. 12, 2014 06:54:38 AM

Charles Lee
Judge (Uncertified)

Australia and New Zealand

Is Phyrexian Unlife considered a replacement effect?

Is the second ability of Phyrexian Unlife, for purposes of multiple redirection effects (ie, Palisade Giant), considered a replacement effect?

Nov. 15, 2014 07:53:08 AM

Callum Milne
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Is Phyrexian Unlife considered a replacement effect?

No, it is not. Phyrexian Unlife has two static abilities, neither of which creates a replacement effect. The abilities simply affect the rules of the game.
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