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Manifest and Clone

Dec. 29, 2014 03:18:49 PM

Maxwell Johnson
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Midatlantic

Manifest and Clone

Alright, I have a VERY simple question. How do Manifest, the Fate Reforged mechanic, interact with Clone? I know it's really early, but this seems like a question that will be asked often. Do you clone something secretly when it enters? Do you chose when you turn it face up? Or does it just stay a 0/0 Clone? I feel like the third option is PROBABLY right, but I can see an argument for the first, which would lead to very complicated judge calls and a large potential for cheating.

Edited Maxwell Johnson (Dec. 29, 2014 03:19:11 PM)

Dec. 29, 2014 03:24:38 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Manifest and Clone

Hi everyone.

Just as a reminder, we don't discuss upcoming mechanics and cards until the release notes for that set have been published. I know we're all excited about new cards, but let's wait until all of the relevant rules have been published.

Or, as I've said on social media:

I just read your question
And this is crazy
But let's wait for the Release Notes
Then ask me maybe

Nathan Long Boards NetRep

Jan. 15, 2015 03:13:13 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Manifest and Clone

And now that we have the Release Notes, we can start answering Fate Reforged questions.

At no point is the Clone trying to enter the battlefield face up. It's turned face down, then it enters the battlefield. You'll never get the chance to copy something, so if you turn the manifested Clone face up, it's going to be a Clone (and will likely die very quickly since it is a 0/0).

Nathan Long
Wizards.Com Boards NetRep