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Rules Q&A » Post: Manifest and "You may pay [COST] rather than pay <CARD NAME's> mana cost."

Manifest and "You may pay [COST] rather than pay <CARD NAME's> mana cost."

Jan. 28, 2015 05:14:21 PM

Todd Bussey
Judge (Uncertified)


Manifest and "You may pay [COST] rather than pay <CARD NAME's> mana cost."

Q1: Can an alternative cost be used to turn a manifested facedown permanent faceup?

Q2: If one can pay the alternative cost to manifest, would it matter if the ability was printed on the card representing the object versus the ability granted by a copy effect?

There are precedents for using the alternative cost for things other than casting it.
eg. Pendrell Flux or Essence Leak

and 112.6c does indicate that such abilities work from *any* zone.

On the other hand, it is facedown with no abilities and although we can look at the card to see its mana cost as we attempt to turn it faceup that wouldn't necessarily allow the ability to apply.


I just noticed Callum/Zammm has given an ‘O’ response to this here

So Q1 is answered (you can use the alternative cost). Q2 awaits.

Edited Todd Bussey (Jan. 29, 2015 12:05:47 AM)

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