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Rules Q&A » Post: whenever ~this~ becomes the target...-Targeted twice with the same spell

whenever ~this~ becomes the target...-Targeted twice with the same spell

July 11, 2016 07:43:50 PM

Beau Jenkins
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Plains

whenever ~this~ becomes the target...-Targeted twice with the same spell

Interesting question came up in chat…

Let's take one of the 55 some-odd cards, say, Angelic Protector. We target it with two modes of Dromoka's Command.

My understanding is that we're going to rule this as only one +0/+3 trigger. I'm confused as to what specifically in the rules prevents the game from seeing it trigger twice.

Discussed were CR601.2c and CR603.2d.
It's probably just one event, because those targets are declared all at once (just like declaring attackers; even though the words leave our mouth in order, the game sees it all at once) -which in-point clears us from 603.2d, it didn't become the target then become the target again in two events. It was formerly not the target for both times it became the target.

Further, in the one action of targeting, we have
603.2c. An ability triggers only once each time its trigger event occurs. However, it can trigger repeatedly if one event contains multiple occurrences.

So what am I missing in the rules that's stopping it from getting +0/+6, all said and done? (also, polite petition that it be made plainer -more apparent- in the rules?)

Sept. 27, 2016 03:47:56 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

whenever ~this~ becomes the target...-Targeted twice with the same spell

So my previous response to this question was incorrect. This is the correct response.

The Protector's ability triggers when it becomes the target of a spell or ability. Even if the spell has multiple targets, it's only becoming targeted by the spell once, so the Protector's ability will only trigger once.

Sorry for the miscommunication.

Nathan Long
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