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Precursor Golem + Rite of Replication

Oct. 19, 2016 04:59:34 AM

Piotr Łopaciuk
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Europe - Central

Precursor Golem + Rite of Replication


a question we got from a player.

I have a Precursor Golem and two tokens created by it in play. I cast a kicked Rite of Replication, targeting the Precursor Golem. Golem's trigger resolves, copying the Rite for each other Golem. While resolving the stack we get: 5 Golem token's copies + 5 Golem token's copies + 5 Precursor Golem copies + 10 Golem tokens from new Precursor Golems' triggers, giving a total of 6 Precursor Golems and 22 Golem tokens (including the original).

Math gets a bit more complicated, when we get to cast a second kicked Rite of Replication, targeting one of Precursor Golems. We get 6 triggers from Precursor Golems. After resolving the first one we get 27 copies of Rite of Replication, so now each Golem is targeted with one. Resolving all Rites copies gives us: 22*5=110 Golem token copies, 5*5=25 Precursor Golems, and 25*2=50 Golem tokens from PG triggers, giving a total of 22+110+50=182 tokens and 6+25=31 Precursor Golems.

To continue with our calculations for for the remaining 5 PG triggers, we need to know something.

Now the question:
What is the exact meaning of “that spell could target” in Precursor Golem's ability wording? Should we only take into account only those Golems, that were on the battlefield while casting the original Rite, or all Golems that are one the battlefield now - during resolution of this trigger?

I assume it's the latter, but I'd like a confirmation please.

Thank you in advance!

Edited Piotr Łopaciuk (Oct. 19, 2016 05:02:58 AM)

Oct. 21, 2016 02:37:49 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Precursor Golem + Rite of Replication


Precursor Golem's trigger looks for the other untargeted Golems at one point: as part of the trigger resolving. It doesn't matter how many other Golems are on the battlefield when the trigger is put on the stack, only the other Golems on the battlefield when the trigger is resolving.

Nathan Long