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Rules Q&A » Post: Duskwatch Recruiter Infinite Activations Deck Stack Ruling

Duskwatch Recruiter Infinite Activations Deck Stack Ruling

April 25, 2017 01:31:32 AM

Matthew Corriveau
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific Northwest

Duskwatch Recruiter Infinite Activations Deck Stack Ruling

Good morning everyone! A playtest group that I'm a part of is working on an infinite mana deck involving Devoted Druid and Vizier of Remedies. The issue is that in some (very rare) instances, we would want to use Duskwatch Recruiter to stack our deck into having Collected Company on top with two specific creatures as #2 and #3.

The math works out as follows:

1. Assume you have X cards in your library.
2. It takes you (X/3) activations to go through once.
3. You can move a card up 2 every time, so it takes (X/2) times through your library to move a card to the top.
4. So if you need to stack 3 cards, it takes you 3(X/2)(X/3) = 2x^2 activations.

This ends up around 2500+ actions to get the required result for a 50 card deck, but it IS possible.

It'd be nice to have a ruling, on this shortcut specifically, that we can point to. How would we explain this shortcut to a judge at a tournament so that they would understand? Should we make a token or have a scrap of paper explaining the math? Is there any process or panel in place that does this?

Edited Matthew Corriveau (April 25, 2017 01:45:52 AM)

April 25, 2017 08:46:18 AM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Duskwatch Recruiter Infinite Activations Deck Stack Ruling

This was answered previously; one example is here.

It also came up previously - perhaps even as far back as the old LISTSERV, Judge (e-mail!!) list. At that time, we said pretty much what Toby Elliott confirmed more recently, here. (Full disclosure/warning; that link is a reddit thread, so if you're reddit-averse, proceed with caution - heh!)

Short version, for the link-averse: yes, it's allowed; they have to be quick about it.

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