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Rules Q&A » Post: Doomwake giant and humility

Doomwake giant and humility

May 16, 2017 02:46:54 AM

Myles Pirro
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Doomwake giant and humility

While judging at the Gaming for Gains legacy tournament this weekend, I received several questions regarding humility. While most were pretty straightforward, one question stood out. It was a hypothetical situation but a real possibility in the player's deck.

The player asked what happens if humility enters the battlefield after he already controls doomwake giant since humility will cause it to have no abilities once humility is in play. I'm pretty sure the ruling I gave was correct, but I want double check here since I was unable to find a definitive answer at the time.
In short, does doomwake giant maintain its constellation ability long enough to trigger off of a humility coming into play?

May 26, 2017 05:13:00 PM

Callum Milne
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Doomwake giant and humility

It does not. As described in CR603.10, immediately after Humility enters the battlefield, the game checks for any active triggered abilities that need to trigger off of that event occurring. Since Humility is on the battlefield, its ability is active, so Doomwake Giant therefore does not have any abilities that could trigger.