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Rules Q&A » Post: Lifelink and Trample vs. triggered abilities

Lifelink and Trample vs. triggered abilities

May 16, 2017 11:57:19 PM

Daniel Hull
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southwest

Lifelink and Trample vs. triggered abilities

Let's say AP has a Karlov of the ghost council and a Cairn Wanderer and I have a creature with trample and lifeline in my graveyard. If I attack with cairn wanderer and my opponent blocks with a 1/1 Soldier token, Does Karlov get 1 or 2 triggers since cairn wanderer did lifelink damage of 1 to the soldier and 3 to the NAP. I want to say no because combat damage id assigned simultaneously and that would cause one life gain trigger.

Now let's say I also have creature with doublestrike in my graveyard and I attack NAP with cairn wanderer again and they block with a 3/3 beast token. How many life gain triggers would occur since both first strike damage and regular combat damage would apply.

May 26, 2017 01:39:00 PM

Callum Milne
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Lifelink and Trample vs. triggered abilities

All non-first-strike combat damage is dealt simultaneously, and all first strike combat damage is dealt simultaneously as well, in the step before normal combat damage is assigned and dealt.

This means that Karlov of the Ghost Council will only trigger once in the first scenario, and twice in the second, regardless of how Cairn Wanderer's damage is split among the blocking creatures and the defending player.

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