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Rules Q&A » Post: Selvala, Heart of the wilds and -1-power creature

Selvala, Heart of the wilds and -1-power creature

April 4, 2018 11:03:50 AM

Dmitry Zelyanin
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

Russia and Russian-speaking countries

Selvala, Heart of the wilds and -1-power creature

I control Selvala, Heart of the Wilds. I cast and resolve Char-Rumbler. In response to Selvala's triggered ability, my opponent casts Hibernation which successfully resolves. Will I be able to draw a card when trigger resolves? Will the answer change if the power of the creature is more than 0?
Should we use rule 107.2 to figure out other creatures' power to carry out comparison or is any power sufficient because there is no comparison at all?

107.2 If anything needs to use a number that can’t be determined, either as a result or in a calculation, it uses 0 instead.

Edited Dmitry Zelyanin (April 5, 2018 08:00:36 AM)

April 5, 2018 10:34:32 AM

Callum Milne
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Selvala, Heart of the wilds and -1-power creature

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds' card-drawing trigger compares the power of the creature that entered the battlefield only with the power of each other creature that is on the battlefield as the trigger is resolving. If there are no such other creatures, it has nothing it wants to compare, so 107.2 isn't relevant here because no comparison is made. If the only creature on the battlefield as Selvala's ability resolves is the one that triggered the ability, its controller will always be able to draw a card, regardless of that creature's power.

No other creature on the battlefield has power equal to or greater than Char-Rumbler, so you may draw a card.