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Melding a copied meld pair

Aug. 21, 2018 12:46:43 PM

Karel Jílek
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

Melding a copied meld pair

A friend of mine told me this situation yesterday, however his reasoning was not that convincing for me. I would appreciate a proper one, with references to the rules (if possible). There we go:

A meld pair is copied onto another meld pair by a Cytoshape-like effect. To be more specific, say you control a Gisela, the Broken Blade which is currently a copy of Hanweir Garrison and a Bruna, the Fading Light which is currently a copy of Hanweir Battlements. You activate Hanweir Battlements's meld ability. What happens next and why?

Thanks a lot!

Aug. 26, 2018 05:58:26 AM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Melding a copied meld pair

Hi Karel,

Thanks for your question. When you activate Battlement's ability, you exile the Battlements and the Garrison, then you check to see if the two exiled cards make a melded pair. Since they're no longer on the battlefield, they're no longer affected by Crytoshape, so they're back to being Gisela and Bruna. Bruna and Gisela make a melded pair, so they'll return to the battlefield melded. There's nothing in the rules that say that the source of the activated ability and the names of the cards in exile have to match up, so in this case, they would return melded as Brisela.

If the two exiled cards didn't make a melded pair (for instance, you had an actual Batttlements and a Gisela that's been Cytoshaped into a Garrison), then the two exiled cards will not return melded and will remain exiled.

Nathan Long
Magic Rules NetRep