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Rules Q&A » Post: Experimental Frenzy and Brainstorm in Legacy Doomsday

Experimental Frenzy and Brainstorm in Legacy Doomsday

Feb. 22, 2019 04:23:33 PM

Knox Lingenfelter
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Great Lakes

Experimental Frenzy and Brainstorm in Legacy Doomsday

Hi Everyone,
I am dealing with a strange interaction that I would like some clarification on as the wording of the card is weird.
If you cast brainstorm, pay costs and begin resolution, draw 3, is there any point in which you can look at the top card?
In simpler terms, If I cast brainstorm with an active experimental frenzy, can I look at the 4th card after drawing 3?
The ruling on gatherer is as such
:Experimental Frenzy lets you look at the top card of your library whenever you want (with one restriction—see below), even if you don’t have priority. This action doesn’t use the stack. Knowing what that card is becomes part of the information you have access to, just like you can look at the cards in your hand.
If the top card of your library changes while you’re casting a spell or activating an ability, you can’t look at the new top card until you finish casting that spell or activating that ability. This means that if you cast the top card of your library, you can’t look at the next one until you’re done paying for that spell.
Im not sure whether this works or not but some clarification would be nice.

Feb. 25, 2019 02:28:43 AM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Experimental Frenzy and Brainstorm in Legacy Doomsday


Thanks for your question. Yes, you will be able to see the fourth card down while resolving Brainstorm. There are rules that says if the top card of your library changes during the announcement of a spell or ability, you don't reveal it until you've completed announcement of that spell or ability (401.5 and 401.6). There's no such rule if the top card changes during resolution of a spell or ability. In the middle of Brainstorm resolving, after you've draw three cards, you can look at the new top card before you have to put two cards back to the resolving Brainstorm.

Nathan Long
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