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Two Gideons in multiplayer

July 21, 2013 05:13:47 PM

Milan Majerčík
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Europe - Central

Two Gideons in multiplayer


A free-for-all multiplayer scenario involving players A, B, C:

1. During his turn, player A uses his Gideon Jura's first ability targeting player C.
2. During his turn, player B uses his Gideon Jura's first ability targeting player C.
3. The declare attackers step of player C's turn comes up.

How can player C declare his creatures? In accordance with CR 508.1d, each of his available creatures must attack one of the Gideons. The question is whether all of the creatures must attack one of them or can the player C decide to send some creatures against one Gideon and the rest against the other one?

The Gideon's ability reads “creatures that player controls attack this permanent if able”, which kind of sounds like that the declaration requirement is "ALL creatures that player controls attack this permanent if able“. So, to fulfil at least one requirement, all of player C's creatures can attack only one of the Gideons. Or should I read the ability as ”SOME creatures that player controls attacks this permanent if able"?

Where is the truth?

Analogical question: card Taunt.

Edited Milan Majerčík (July 21, 2013 05:14:12 PM)

July 22, 2013 12:20:29 PM

Daniel Kitachewsky
Judge (Uncertified)


Two Gideons in multiplayer

Each creature has to attack A's Gideon or B's Gideon. They can be split however C chooses.

Gideon's effect creates one requirement for every creature. When attacking, C must satisfy the maximum amount of requirements while not violating any restrictions (such as defender). For each creature, there are two requirements : “must attack A's Gideon” and “must attack B's Gideon”. C must choose one of the two. The choice is separate for every creature, so any combination works.

Daniel Kitachewsky
L3, Paris, France
Rules NetRep