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TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

April 5, 2014 05:39:40 PM

Johannes Kühnel
Tournament Organizer

German-speaking countries

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

So, apparently I don't use 0.33 in the GW calculation, but in the OGW. Since you are not shown the GW of a player in TiebreakerJS, this has no negative effect. The program works as described by the MTR and the OGW should be correct.

You've already quoted the relevant parts of the MTR, so no further citations are needed. :)

2. In OGW% section of MTR, there is a sentence “And, as with opponents'
match-win percentage, each opponent has a minimum game-win percentage of
0.33.” If the 0.33 is really intended to be applied to the GW%, there would
be no need for this sentence, because if no GW% can be lower than 0.33,
then OGW% (which is average of them) cannot be lower than 0.33 either.
Well, they've also pointed out the 0.33 in the example of OMW. Since they didn't put one for OGW in there, they probably just wanted to make sure people don't forget about it.

Anyway, I also think this was described differently about 1+ year(s) ago (GW could be lower than 0.33, but in the OGW calculation it was raised).

I am somewhat baffled about the implementation of the tournament rules in WER…it seems like Wizards just can't hire good software devs (see MODO).

Jan. 2, 2015 02:03:49 PM

Fran Aguilera Barranco
Judge (Uncertified)


TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Hi everyone,

First of all, Happy New Year!

Second, thanks for this fantastic script :D

I've inserted it in my own website (exclusively for use on tournaments I organize in my store) and translated it into Spanish. You can download it from my dropbox account:

Hope it helps somebody.


Edited Fran Aguilera Barranco (Jan. 2, 2015 02:04:22 PM)

Jan. 6, 2015 07:05:44 AM

Johannes Kühnel
Tournament Organizer

German-speaking countries

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Thanks for the praise and translation!

Are you interested in helping me translate the Android app as well, when I actually have time to code it?

Jan. 9, 2015 06:46:37 AM

Fran Aguilera Barranco
Judge (Uncertified)


TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Originally posted by Johannes Kühnel:

Thanks for the praise and translation!

Are you interested in helping me translate the Android app as well, when I actually have time to code it?
No problem :D I'll be glad to help you ;)

And as a suggestion: you could add to the script a text field to name the tournament and put it as html page name. Why? If I want to run 2 or more little casual tournaments at once, I could identify each one by looking the name in browser tabs.

Edited Fran Aguilera Barranco (Jan. 19, 2015 10:19:09 AM)

March 1, 2015 10:56:56 PM

Zhaoben Xu
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper


TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone


Can I translate your website into Chinese? If so, how should I do it? (Grab a copy of your source code in GitHub then begin translation?)

Thanks for the great work!

March 6, 2015 12:36:34 PM

Johannes Kühnel
Tournament Organizer

German-speaking countries

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Originally posted by Zhaoben Xu:


Can I translate your website into Chinese? If so, how should I do it? (Grab a copy of your source code in GitHub then begin translation?)

Thanks for the great work!

Yeah, just grab the source code on Github and go for it! :)

If you want to, I would gladly host your translations (yours as well, Fran!) on my webseite (e.g. - until I add an actual language option).

Edited Johannes Kühnel (March 6, 2015 07:28:52 PM)

March 9, 2015 11:07:37 AM

Zhaoben Xu
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper


TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Hi Johannes:

Hopefully I have done it right. I touched the html and js files, and have ran it twice to see if things are working fine.

You could find the translation at

Thanks! I also think it would be better to have my translation hosted on your site - provided it's not too much troublesome for you!

March 10, 2015 06:23:40 PM

Johannes Kühnel
Tournament Organizer

German-speaking countries

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Thank you very much! I uploaded both your translations (Spanish and Chinese) to my server.

You can find them there:

Making the site actually translatable using language strings and adding language switchers are on my list. ;)

Edited Johannes Kühnel (March 10, 2015 06:24:01 PM)

April 3, 2015 07:13:43 PM

Mark Johnson
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific West

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Feature Request: Can you add the ability to drop players? Nothing worse than multiple people getting a bye every round because someone decided they were done and wanted to leave.

Aug. 15, 2015 06:37:43 AM

Johannes Kühnel
Tournament Organizer

German-speaking countries

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Thanks for the mentioning in this blog post: :)

Sorry for the long absence. I will have more time in September, then I will look into it (and possibly also the Android version).

Aug. 18, 2015 11:06:28 AM

Jonas Grohmann
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Hey, i just logged onto the forums to ask for a simple solution for this very problem.
Thanks for the great work!

Aug. 19, 2015 07:45:09 AM

François-Xavier Martin
Judge (Uncertified)


TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Hi there,
I just ran into this topic today, and it seems to be a really nice tool !
I will translate it in french (at least try to but I think I can manage it) and send it to you, as soon as I have time to do it (probably this week-end), and when you get the time to port it on android, I would gladly help you translate it in french ;)

Aug. 21, 2015 08:01:16 AM

Johannes Kühnel
Tournament Organizer

German-speaking countries

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Great news, thanks :)

Sept. 4, 2015 03:09:27 AM

Jonas Grohmann
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Hey Johannes,
i ran into a little problem with the program on monday. Doing a casual draft with 6 players, i got wrong pairings in round 3. Players that already played each other in round 2 were paired again in round 3. Maybe this happened because we had a draw in round 1?

Sept. 4, 2015 07:10:46 PM

Johannes Kühnel
Tournament Organizer

German-speaking countries

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Well, officially, tournaments need at least 8 players and have a fixed amount of rounds (e.g. 3 for 8 players, 4 for 9-16 etc).

If there are less players or more rounds than suggested, people would play each other again more frequently, as the algorithm pairs players with similar points. I already have made adjustments to weaken this behavior, but I cannot eliminate it and I don't want the algorithm to be functionally different than the proposed one by Wizards.