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Judging Technology » Post: TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Sept. 6, 2015 11:58:19 PM

Emmanuel Leal
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Latin America

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

I used this to run a FNM a couple of weeks ago.

I think you should add the option for late entries, (or as i said before include manual pairings option)

Sept. 24, 2015 07:37:57 AM

Ken Andrs
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Plains

TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

Alright here is the question of the hour, is there a way to download the program so we can use it offline at an event without WIFI?

I am not technically saavy.


Sept. 25, 2015 03:49:51 AM

Fran Aguilera Barranco
Judge (Uncertified)


TiebreakerJS – manage MTG tournaments with your smartphone

You can get here the zip file with complete package:

Just uncompress and open in your browser index.html file ;)


Edited Fran Aguilera Barranco (Sept. 25, 2015 03:50:39 AM)