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Vesuvan Doppelganger and linked abilities

Sept. 11, 2014 09:56:56 PM

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

Vesuvan Doppelganger and linked abilities

Vesuvan Doppelganger enters play as a copy of Voice of All, and the controller chooses Blue. Then, Vesuvan Doppelganger's upkeep ability makes it a copy of a Bear Cub, and then back into a Voice of All. Does the Doppelganger still have Protection from Blue?

607.2d. If an object has an ability printed on it that causes a player to "choose a “ or ”name a card“ and an ability printed on it that refers to ”the chosen ,“ ”the last chosen ,“ or ”the named card," those abilities are linked. The second ability refers only to a choice made as a result of the first ability.

607.5. If an object acquires a pair of linked abilities as part of the same effect, the abilities will be similarly linked to one another on that object even though they weren't printed on that object. They can't be linked to any other ability, regardless of what other abilities the object may currently have or may have had in the past.

706.7a. If an ability causes a player to "choose a “ or ”name a card,“ and a second, linked ability refers to that choice, the second ability is the only ability that can refer to that choice. An object doesn't ”remember“ that choice and use it for other abilities it may copy later. If an object copies an ability that refers to a choice, but either (a) doesn't copy that ability's linked ability or (b) does copy the linked ability but no choice is made for it, then the choice is considered to be ”undefined." If an ability refers to an undefined choice, that part of the ability won't do anything.

Came up in the judge chat, we were pretty sure that it can't possibly remember the choice, but there may have been an old ruling involving Skill Borrower that muddied the waters. Thanks!

Sept. 13, 2014 09:46:03 AM

Daniel Kitachewsky
Judge (Uncertified)


Vesuvan Doppelganger and linked abilities

The Doppelganger will not have protection from blue. The pair of abilities the Doppelganger gained from the Voice as it entered the battlefield are linked to each other only; the pair it gains a few upkeeps later is a different pair entirely, and that second pair isn't linked to the first.

Daniel Kitachewsky
L4, Paris, France
Rules NetRep