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Rules Q&A » Post: Progenitor Mimic + Clone

Progenitor Mimic + Clone

May 4, 2013 08:40:23 AM

Michael Quinton
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Great Lakes

Progenitor Mimic + Clone

I know this is a corner case but a lot of my players read mtgsalvation and will probably find this a fun thing to try and do at least once so I thought I should get some extra info. There was a rules question posted about progenitor mimic posted that stated

"So, I have a Progenitor Mimic on the battlefield, and he's copying nothing (assume a static buff like Gaea's Anthem).
Then, I play another Mimic, and when it resolves, I choose to copy the first Mimic. Due to 706.5, this lets me copy another creature because the creature i'm choosing to copy has a replacement effect as well.
So what rule prevents me from choosing to copy the same Mimic over and over ad infinitum, or at least an arbitrarily large number of times, thus making the final product have an arbitrarily large number of the Mimic's upkeep trigger?"

I don't believe there is anything that would keep this from working but I just thought I would ask here to make sure.
