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Rules Q&A » Post: Anointed Procession, Crafty Cutpurse and CR 616.1f

Anointed Procession, Crafty Cutpurse and CR 616.1f

April 10, 2018 10:38:07 AM

Siyang Li
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

Greater China

Anointed Procession, Crafty Cutpurse and CR 616.1f

Hello, this question came from some discussion about one of the recent Craniel Insertion questions among my local judge community.

AP controls Anointed Procession, then casts Aquatic Incursion, in respond to Aquatic Incursion's ETB, NAP casts Crafty Cutpurse. After everything on the stack resolves, we are sure that NAP will get the merfolk tokens, but how many and why?

According to the resent Q&A on Craniel Insertion regarding a similar question, and also the official ruling of Crafty Cutpurse on gatherer, I think it should be only two. As explained on CI that due to 616.1b, the switch-control effect from the Cutpurse must be chosen to apply before the effect from Anointed Procession, which would cause the later one's effect cease to apply.

Then I remembered that there is a 616.1f:
Originally posted by 616.1f:

While following the steps in 616.1a–d, one replacement or prevention effect may apply to an event, and another may apply to an event contained within the first event. In this case, the second effect can’t be chosen until after the first effect has been chosen.

As I understand, Anointed Procession's effect may apply to the whole event of creating tokens, while Crafty Cutpurse's effect only applies to each event of one token created separately. (same as drawing multiple cards against drawing each card separately)

So here is my question:
Why isn't 616.1f considered in this situation, thus causing Anointed Procession's effect to be chosen to apply first?
Or is my understanding of 616.1f applying to this situation just incorrect?

Thank you!

Edited Siyang Li (April 10, 2018 10:40:25 AM)