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oko, animate land and humility

Dec. 22, 2019 10:21:15 PM

Jiahe Jiang
Judge (Uncertified)


oko, animate land and humility

I have some disagreement with another judge so i come here for the answer.
The situation:
Player A has “humility” already in play, he casts “oko, thief of crowns” and use oko's +1ability target on his “arcum's astrolabe”. He wants to know what the astrolabe is after being elked by oko.
My answer is they are decided by the timeline and oko is after humility, so the astrolabe is a 3/3 green elk, and if another humility comes into play it is a 1/1 green elk.
Another judge tells me oko's +1 ability and humility's effect have dependency relationship, so the astrolabe is always 1/1.
Otherwise, if i have a humility in play, and i activate an animate land's ability(such as creeping tar pit). I remember the result is a 3/2 creature cannot be blocked without mana ability, but accoarding to his description it is a 1/1 creature without ability.
I also want to know some rules of dependency, will two effect be dependency if they are not applied on exactly the same layers(such as oko and humility)?

So i come here to find the ture answer.

Edited Jiahe Jiang (Dec. 22, 2019 10:38:25 PM)