Rules Question group for

A group of judges that want to create scenarios for use on

Project Manager: Lars Harald Nordli
Public: Yes
Alignment: Regional Project - Europe - North
(Lead: )
Looking For: Scenario-makers

Project Description

The purpose of this group is to create scenarios for use on, to which Magic players may select what they believe is the right answer. Our goal is to create a new scenario each month.


File Name Uploaded By Date/Time Visibility
Invert player leaflet Lars Harald Nordli Sept. 27, 2018, 2:26 a.m. Public

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Lars Harald Nordli Level 1 (International Judge Program) Europe - North Admin
Håkon Gulbrandsen Uncertified Europe - North Member
Even Hansen Uncertified Europe - North Member
Marit Norderhaug Getz Uncertified Europe - North Member