Europe North - Translation project

A project for translating documents to the languages spoken in the Europe North region

Project Manager: Lars Harald Nordli
Public: Yes
Alignment: Sphere Project - Translations
(Lead: Juan Del Compare )
Looking For: Translators

Project Description

A project for translating documents to the languages spoken in the Europe North region.

Not the MTR, IPG or CR, but smaller documents that can serve well in their native language, like JAR and others.

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Lars Harald Nordli Level 1 (International Judge Program) Europe - North Admin
Sigurður Andrésson Uncertified Europe - North Member
Egle Devizyte Uncertified Europe - North Member
Mathias Duch Uncertified Europe - North Member
Thomas Frey Uncertified Europe - North Member
Valdas Kalvis Uncertified Europe - North Member
Julie Lyngsøe Uncertified Europe - North Member
Mattias Sundell Level 1 (Magic Judges Finland) Europe - North Member
Martti Tolvanen Uncertified Europe - North Member