L3 mentoring and feedback 2017 (completed)

We helped L3 judges who wanted to receive feedback and improve (2017)

Project Manager: Riccardo Tessitori
Public: Yes
Alignment: Sphere Project - Coaching
(Lead: Ivan Petkovic )

Project Description

This project was created in parallel with the L3 yearly maintenance, then it became independent, and is now completed.

The GOAL was to support all L3s who wanted to improve themselves, and was open to *any* L3.

Our aim was to help *you* achieve the goals *you* set yourself.

Then, as a bigger project, maybe it will encourage more feedback among the L3s.

This project ran in 2017 and is now over.

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Alfonso Bueno Level 5 (International Judge Program) Iberia Admin
Riccardo Tessitori Level 5 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Admin
Riki Hayashi Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Member
Stefan Ladstätter-Thaa Level 2 (International Judge Program) Vienna, Austria Member
James Do Hung Lee Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Member
Sophie Pages Level 5 (International Judge Program) France Member
Ivan Petkovic Level 2 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Member
Charlotte Sable Level 3 (Magic Judges Finland) Europe - North Member
Niels Viaene Uncertified BeNeLux Member