5 Minute Magic

Audio podcasts explaining rules to players

Project Manager: Dave Gale
Public: Yes
Alignment: Sphere Project - Social Media & Web Platforms
(Lead: Jack Doyle )
Looking For: Content writers, promotors, facebook page admin

Project Description

Audio recordings intending to educate players on various aspects of the JAR, the MTR and other M:tG rules.

Main focus is on Regular REL players but will also look at some competitive elements and some aimed at players wanting to become judges.


Recordings are intended to be 5 minutes long but a small variation either way is fine.


I’d like judges to share these widely and point new and existing players towards specific recordings as appropriate.

Link to Google site

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Dave Gale Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Admin
Emmanuel Alba Uncertified Latin America Member
Guy Baldwin Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Member
Diego Bolaños Level 3 (International Judge Program) Latin America Member
Emily Cane Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Member
Michael Dickman Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Member
Michael Gyssels Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Member
Sophie Pages Level 5 (International Judge Program) France Member
Markus Radspieler Uncertified German-speaking countries Member
Kerry Southgate Uncertified Iberia Member
Rikki Walker Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Member