SE Regional Monthly Judge Chat

A monthly voice chat on various topics and as a place to address the region.

Project Manager: Steven Romero
Public: Yes
Alignment: Regional Project - USA - Southeast
(Lead: Marcos Sanchez )
Looking For: People who would like to talk on topics, Discord programmers, Creative people who have ideas for this chat, etc.

Project Description

A monthly voice chat on various topics and as a place to address the region. Serves the purpose of getting the region talking and involved. 


Permanent Discord Invite Link:

Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Nicolette Apraez Uncertified USA - Southeast Admin
Steven Romero Uncertified USA - South Central Admin
Brendan Whatley Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Admin
Alex Moreschi Uncertified USA - Southeast Member
Jacob Smith Uncertified USA - South Central Member