Region - France

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Region Name: France
Regional Representative: Mikaël Rabie
Countries: France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Switzerland (French-Speaking)
States / Provinces:
Judges by Level
Level 1 Judges: 41
Level 2 Judges: 22
Level 3 Judges: 3
Level 4 Judges: 3
Level 5 Judges: 5
Judges by Role
IJP Temporary Regional Advisor: 1
Regional Representative: 1


This is a region of the International Judge Program. IJP members in this region elect a Regional Representative for a two-year term to support their community and serve as part of the IJP's leadership. To learn more about Regions and Regional Representatives in the IJP, please see their article.

Recent Advancements

Judge New Level Date Certified By
Cyprien Pierrot 1 March 10, 2025, 5:26 p.m. Mikaël Rabie
Benjamin Riva 1 Feb. 18, 2025, 2:21 a.m. Louis-Alexis Glandy

Regional Projects Looking for Help

Project Description Project Manager Looking For Public Forum
Swag Arbitres Français Parce que la communauté a aussi besoin de signes distinctifs Théo CHENG Personnes avec des compétences en graphisme, benchmarkers Yes

Other Regional Projects

Project Description Project Manager Public Forum
Séances mentoring L2 Séances de mentoring en 2v2 pour aider au passage vers le niveau 2 Àre Maturana Yes
Région : Corse Forum de la région Corse Gerard Trpin Yes
Région : Normandie Forum de la région Normandie Louise Petit—Noé Yes