Sphere - Judge Levels

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Sphere Name: Judge Levels
Sphere Lead: Alfonso Bueno

The Judge Levels sphere manages the testing and maintenance procedures for each Judge Level, certain Roles related to Judge Levels, and educational material related to the testing, interview, and mentorship of judges of all levels. The Sphere Lead is assisted by one lead who is responsible for each level. These are Bryan Prillaman for Level 1, Alfonso Bueno for Level 2, and Matteo Callegari for Level 3.

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Other Sphere Projects

Project Manager
JudgeApps Exam Content Squad A group that generates and edits content for judge exams. Louis Fernandes Yes
L1 Welcome Wagon A consistent way of welcoming L1s to the program. Io Hughto Yes
L3 Advancement Process - Admin Coordination of the L3 advancement process for global L3 Candidates Matteo Callegari Yes
L3 Panel Leads Coordinating the leads of the L3 Panels Matteo Callegari Yes
L3 Post Panel Support and guidance to judges after their L3 Panel Matteo Callegari Yes
Level 1 Project (Levels Sphere) Level 1 Definition and Management Project Bryan Prillaman Yes
Level 2 Project (Levels Sphere) Forum for the leaders of the different projects related with the Level 2 Alfonso Bueno Yes
Level 3 demotion process No, it's never desired to demote amyone, but it's necessary to have a process that addresses performance issues, just like the JCC addresses behavior issues. Sergio Perez Yes
Level Maintenance Exam Content A project to manage the content for judge level maintenance exams Yuval Tzur Yes
Populating Judge Apps with questions We have the database from judge center for all easy, hard and policy practice questions and we want to convert all of them to judge center. Antonio Zanutto Yes
Regional L2 testing coordinators Forum for the each region's responsible of the L2 testing. Alfonso Bueno Yes
Road to L3 - Users guide A nonprocess focussed guide to help L3 candidates take an informed and supported approach to progression. Michael Chamberlain Yes
Team-Lead-in-Training (TLTP) Project Managing, Monitoring and Maintaining the TLTP Alfonso Bueno Yes